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Flooded House V1

A simulation that explores the impact of personal accountability in creating sustainable actions.
UN #CreateCOP28 Award
Exhibited at UN Headquarters
Flooded House V1 is a game installation about ocean level rise. The project consists of a physical model of my New York studio apartment, a game interface, and a hidden water tank. Using real ocean level prediction data, the user's actions in the game directly influence how much the apartment is flooded.

The project explores the impact of personal accountability in creating sustainable actions: How do our actions change when we directly experience the consequences?
Photograph of the roof of Flooded House, showing a transparent acrylic sheet and a 4-digit display.
Photograph of the roof of the Flooded House project, with a Raspberry Pi screen, and several LEDs rowed above it.
Photograph of the roof of the Flooded House project, with a Raspberry Pi screen, and several LEDs rowed above it.
Photograph of a person holding two silicone controllers that are connected to the Flooded House project via thin colorful wires.
Exhibition in the UN Headquarters
I had the awesome opportunity to exhibit Flooded House V1 at the UN Headquarters in New York as part of the #CreateCOP28 Exhibition. The exhibition opened early December 2023 and was organized by artpartner.
Photograph of me at the UN HQ in front of a white wall.
Photograph of me being filmed by an employee of the art exhibition at the UN HQ
Photograph of me talking to other people at the art exhibition at the UN HQ.
The first version of Flooded House was built with a laser cut acrylic container filled with furniture made out of clay, wood, and metal. Several DC water pumps connected the apartment to the water tank via tubes. Transistors were used to detect the water rise inside the apartment. A 4-digit LCD display was used to show the current ocean level rise and the year this scenario was predicted. A laptop connected to an Arduino via p5.serial displayed a p5.js game on a Raspberry Pi Screen that is mounted to the roof of the house.
Photograph of two silicone molds, and the final handheld silicone controller for flooded house.
... using a silicone mold to cast the hand-held controllers
Photograph of an incredibly messy table with various colored wires attaches to things.
... wiring up the electronics
Photograph of the inside of Flooded House, with an Arduino mega attached to an acrylic sheet, as well as many organized colored wires.
... organizing the electronics to save space
Photograph of tow people sitting on a white large table with computers and other electronic components on a table.
... Pepi and me working on D12