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Life of Bees

An immersive game about pesticides and their role in the US bee colony collapse.
Featured in ArtsHelp
Link to Project
Life of Bees explores the big role pesticides play in the US bee colony collapse through an interactive Unity game. The experience lets you dive into the perspectives of multiple involved stakeholders - Bees and Humans - and understand how the two interact with each other.

The game is located at a Californian almond farm on a cloudy morning. You start exploring the scene as a farmer, who is tasked to regulate the pesticide usage on that farm. However, as you explore, you get the unique chance to swap perspective with one of the bees on your farm to understand how your actions impact the local wildlife.
Screenshot of a scene in the Life of Bees Unity game showing the inside of an old farm house.
Screenshot of a scene in the Life of Bees Unity game showing a farm environment with almond trees, grass and a red farm house.
Screenshot of a scene in the Life of Bees Unity game showing almond trees on a farm with smoke rising from a pesticide distribution system.
Screenshot of a scene in the Life of Bees Unity game showing the inside of a fictional bee hive.
Technical Aspects
Life of Bees features various custom C# scripts that allow the user to interact with the game with keyboard presses, buttons and more. C# scripts also handle the perspective switch from farmer to bee, the light effects, and spatial audio. Particle systems enhance the smokey pesticide effect.

I modeled and animated the bee's body and its movements by hand in Autodesk Maya. Some other custom assets were created in Blender, and some were purchased online. The farmer is an animated character from Mixamo.
A screenshot of the Autodesk Maya interface, showing an in-progress 3D model of a bee.
... modeling and animating a bee in Autodesk Maya
Screenshot of the Unity interface, showing the farm environment zoomed out in an overhead view.
... setting up the environment logics in Unity
Screenshot of C# code in Visual Studio code.
... coding the interactions for Unity
Screenshot in the Unity software showing an in-progress scene of the farm.
... finalizing the Unity environment with lights, fog, and audio